日本の WEB サイト


ドメインと Web サイトの情報:




ドメイン名 - 0jp

サイト タイトル - タイトルが利用できません

Web サイトに移動 - リンクはブロックされています

0jp 地図上の GEO の場所

Site Logo

There is no Open Graph data at 0jp

Whois サーバー情報 0jp

1. JPRS WHOIS database includes the following type of information in

TYPE Description
DOM Domain Information
HOST Host Information
CONTACT Contact Information [only for Organization-type .JP domain names]

2. How to get the information:

STRING Broad search over the all types (if available)

To restrict the search to a certain type of information:

TYPE STRING See above for types of information

To obtain related information:

^STRING Displays the information that refers the STRING [only for .JP domain names]

3. Use of the information you obtain from JPRS WHOIS is restricted to
a purely network operation purposes.

*Notice* If you had an intention to search for gTLD domain-related
information and see this message, it is possible that JPRS WHOIS wasn't
the right server to specify. In that case, you might be able to re-try
your search via InterNIC WHOIS.

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